Saturday, February 18, 2012

Next Meeting and Pigs

Our next meeting for the Blue Ribbon 4H Club is Saturday, March 10th. This meeting will be at the VTC library. It will be at 3:00 pm.This meeting if you have any chickens or duck eggs (that have been fertilized) please bring to this meeting. This will start hatching of eggs. Be sure to collect your eggs seven to ten days before this meeting. Before you bring the eggs keep them in a damp, cool, place. Please put them pointy side down. Do not clean them with water. Air dry them please!

You should also be thinking about what breed of pig you want. These are the breeds: Chester white, Hereford, Poland China, Spotted Poland China and Hampshire. We will be getting the pigs in April. Also if you are new to 4H,you should contact Matt Whalen for more information about this 4H group. He would help you with any other questions you might have. this is Matt Whalen's email:

 Thank You!

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