Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Pig Roast August 25 1:00 PM!!!!!

So it is a go!!  Pig roast and potluck Saturday Aug. 25!     1PM at Matt & Michelle's.  (My place)

Any questions please call us at home.  (802)431-3478

We can have some fun and use this as a last chance to plan the fair.  (Probably some wiffle ball. . .)
- Barn leaders can finalize the schedules. (feeding, washing, cleaning) and who needs to be in the barn at what times for covering questions from the public.

- decorating committee: in charge of: name signs for animals and exhibitors, overall decorations, putting up and taking down 
    - Also, we need a way to identify poultry in the poultry barn as being exhibited by 4H members.  Might be a good idea to try and get all 4H birds in same area, if possible.

- trucking schedules for getting animals to the fair.
    animals from:
Mikayla (Caterino)
Jonathin and Rebecca (Jennifer Harrison's kids)
Bryce and Camden (Strides)
Madison and Christen (Skodas)
Addie and Mikaela (Curriers)
Michelle and Anna (Poulin)
Keenan & Zac (Thygesen/Johnson)  Jen/Seth, are you all set with transportation?  We can pick them up if needed.
Matthew & Lily (Whalen)

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