Sunday, August 26, 2012

Things Discussed at Meeting on August 25th 2012
-The day begins at 7-7:30 am on Wednesday when everyone will feed there pigs. Then the 5:00-7:00 group will feed everyone’s pigs at their shift. If you will not be there contact Matt or Addie, Mikaela and Madi at the least and they will fill in for you.
-Barn chores. The list of 3 hour chores shifts starting at 9 am and ending at 9 pm. 2-3 people in each group. If you were at the meeting you saw the chart. It has been revised and will be sent out.
-We will clean the stalls and sweep at 7:30-9:00 am
-We will wash pigs when they arrive on Wednesday and on Friday before the show.
_Chores end with the 5:00-7:00 pm shift at 6 on Sunday.
-There will be a storage stall for the pigs and it can be used for poultry at least.
-The poultry show will be from 11:00 to 1:00 on Saturday in either the pig ring or in the poultry barn.
-The fair will provide your poultry with cracked corn and water. If you want to feed your own stuff to your birds let them know and bring it in a marked container.
-You will need to label everything you bring to the fair with your name and Blue Ribbon 4H name, especially the pig food.
-You will need to bring breed posters again. 4H stickers will be provided to place on you poster.
-Pig Transportation will be emailed by Matt Whalen. We know it will start early on Wednesday. It will go like this (almost like last time).
Poulin                                                   Tabor                                                                    Matt
Michelle and Anna’s pigs              Camden and Brice’s pigs                               Matt’s
Krystin and Madi’s pigs                  Addie and Mikaela’s pigs                              Mikayla C.?
Delivered early afternoon            Jonathon and Rebecca’s pigs

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